When I added a YouTube/Spotify link inside a table located on a hidden sheet of my public pages, the page became unresponsive upon returning to it a few days later. The section containing the YouTube link appears to have "duplicated" itself repeatedly within "secret" blocks, causing the page to crash. This might be related to creating a secret block inside the table and placing the link within it. Initially, I placed this block on the public tab and later copied it to the hidden tab.
Browser: Google Chrome
Operating System: Windows 11
Steps to Reproduce:
Add a YouTube/Spotify link inside a table on a hidden sheet of a public page.
Create a secret block inside the table and place the link within it.
Copy the secret block from the public tab to the hidden tab.
Return to the page after a few days.
Expected Result:
The page should remain responsive, and the YouTube/Spotify link should be accessible without issues.
Actual Result:
The section containing the YouTube link duplicates itself repeatedly within secret blocks, causing the page to become unresponsive and crash.
Screenshot 1 (left) : Illustrates the problem.
Screenshot 2 (right): Shows how the duplication extends down the page.
Additional Notes:
Due to the crash, I couldn't capture a clearer view of the issue.