Article Status/Notes (ex. Draft, In-progress, Complete)
It would be nice to have a status added to articles so we know which ones are in progress or completed. This could also have a color code to it. Maybe in the sidebar or something. It would be nice if this was something like tags but separate. It could be added to what can be seen vs not seen by the public. This would be like "publishing" options.
Enrique Velazquez (Q)
I would also like this. More for the sidebar and letting me put the status of open sandbox-quests. Like even a basic To Do, In Progress, and Complete would be fine via a drop down or something.
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Set Reminder for Page
As a game master, I would like the ability to set a reminder for myself about a page. Maybe so I don't forget about adding something or reworking it down the line, or maybe I want to make sure that I don't forget about a specific event mentioned on a specific page etc. etc.