The search tool in Legendkeeper is currently fairly bare bones in its approach, being just a simple text search for article titles and contents. Often times for large projects it can be impossible to search for specific articles among those with similar names. Additional levels of search parameter could resolve this issue. Searching by the path of an article could be one example of an optimization made to search. If there exists a project with an article named "Characters" with subpages including individual character articles, when searching for an article named "John" under characters you could search, "chara/john" where the search looks for articles containing text similar to john as a child to articles containing text similar to chara. Searching by tags could also be effective, the ability to add a #character to a search to filter by tags while text searching would speed up searches tremendously. Other search options such as the ones common in google such as '-text' to exclude results with the listed text (or perhaps tag!) or wrapping your search in quotes for exact text would greatly refine the search.