Allow users to apply various fonts for body text and headings.
Custom fonts could be achieved:
  • Through a minor selection of preloaded fonts that cover a variety of themes (fantasy, sci-fi, modern, etc.)
  • By allowing users to upload their own fonts in a manner similar to uploading images.
  • By linking Google Fonts to Legend Keeper in a way that would allow their selection of fonts to be used, similar to linking Google Fonts to a website.
Applying fonts could be achieved:
  • Through the Settings page, allowing users to apply a given font to a project's entire body text or headings.
  • By having each individual body of text and heading on a wiki page contain an option to change its font. This could be done through the popup menu when selecting text, the three dots to the right of a page's Title, or the six dots to the left of every block of text.