Merged in a post:
Graph view
Function from where you can see how elements of your creation are connected with eachother. That can be used as plot/story overview tool.
Price Garrison
I've always loved this tool and have used it to make trees that I then export and place as an image in LegendKeeper. Would be amazing if something like this could be integrated.
Right now I'm trying to use tag indexes in the sidebar to separate things like "Children" and "Spouse" for different character pages but its a bit complicated a messy.
Merged in a post:
Relations tree
Olof Northvillage
A view of Clan structures, family trees etc. Using tags or similair.
This has become much easier to do with the backlink update I'm working on, so I'm adding it to the backlog.
Can you provide an example or two of some kind? Maybe another app that does what you're describing.
Braden: I'm not OP, but I'm pretty sure they're referring to something like ! At least, that's what I assume "family trees" is getting at. Technically, you could probably make something that functions like this with Boards, but since Boards aren't designed around that function it gets fiddly. I did try to create a makeshift thing for this via Boards a while back, and it was... pretty tedious. It's not that the functionality isn't there, it's more so that the Boards features are so open-ended (not a bad thing!) that you have to be a little neurotic about aligning things nicely to use the content as this kind of diagram. Having a little feature on the side for this specific stuff, designed solely for charts like this, would not only streamline that setup because the features are designed with that use in mind, but it would also pair really nicely with the timeline feature, I think! What's a better worldbuildy duo than timelines and family trees?
Regarding my attached image: it super annoys me that even when I zoomed in to try to have pixel-perfect alignment, you can still see places where things are just loosey goosey, and it feels messy and lowkey bothers me. I also had to figure out a way to represent different implications (like types of relations between entities) through color coding and different line types--and then, of course, make a legend for those indicators, because I made it all up. As noted in the little text I left on the board, even this complicated of a chart is still missing a lot of info I would love to be present.
Also... yes, this is the real-world Egyptian pantheon. I'm sincerely sorry that the only reference I can personally contribute has the words "jizz lettuce" on it; unfortunately, that's accurate to real-world mythology, and there's just no getting around that insanity.
Daarka: This is great! Re: boards, I bet there's an elegant way to enhance Boards functionality for different use cases. At the very least templates, but even better some kind of mode or sets of tools conducive to difference contexts, like family trees.
Olof Northvillage
Braden: I have some ideas on my own, but if you want something to look at i can recommend the family trees in Crusader Kings 2 and World Anvil, another tool with cool similair features is Xmind.
When it comes to my own ideas i would an extention/mode in the Boards tool. Since i already like the possibilities it gives with cards that have links to the Wiki.
First i would like to have diffrent "view options":
1 Classic family tree like in CK2. Where you just have ancestors and such connected in a flowchart like tree. ( Could be cool to be able to highlight/colour certain persons if they have some significant role in the family or something). Here you probably need some filtering options, like if you have trees with many generations you might only want to see the ones with a certain surname. Here i believe using tags can be really awesome.
2 A relations tree with expanding options. Where you can see all relations to one person, like friends, closest family, etc. Also similair option to filter based on tags. The expanding part i was thinking something like where you can expand relation networks, if one character has a friend then you want to expand that friends relations and might see they have connection to a mutual friend or similair. Take a look at these references:
3 An orgnaization chart. Propably mostly used to understand hierachies in organizations. This one could function a bit like the family tree but based on organizations/ companies/ cults etc.
Just want to mention good input from Daarka, the board is a good start for this but to represent relations easier it need some additional feature.
Hope my inputs can give some inspiration ;)
Would absolutely love that. It is one of the features I miss the most after switching from Obsidian to LK. It helps a lot to able to quickly identify isolated entries when worldbuilding.
Doomdoom I agree this is really the main thing missing from LK for worldbuilding currently. I keep finding things that should really be categorized under multiple main pages, but currently I need to choose one to put it in and remember to put a link to it in the main page or make a tag index/backlinks to keep track.