Selective Revealing of Secrets
Merged in a post:
Secret/Reveal toggle
Adam Lewis
Instead of a secret container, just to be able to make any block or specific elements (like a particular cell in a table) a secret by having a secret/reveal toggle option would be great. Using a simple icon to the left of the block to show it is hidden or not.
Failing that even being able to click the block options and being able to turn it into a secret so it automatically puts it inside the current secret block option would also be great.
Michael “Charley” Einberger
This feature is probably very important for all games that include intrigues as a core element lika al world of darkness games. I guess it is an enhanced version of the role system. We need a little more than admin and member. we need custom roles like mage or orc or ventrue. And if we write e secret we should be able to define what roles can see it.
I'd also like to tack on the ability to allow selected members to view hidden tabs. I'm part of a DM group helping run a West Marches campaign for a game store. For the sake of security, we don't want every DM to be an admin as they would then have the power to create more admins at their leisure (this permission can't be taken away by owners currently). However, as it stands, the only way to access hidden information in the secret panels and tabs is to BE an admin.
Seconded. Would be great to be able to have move user-specific functionality like this.